Daniels Health is a full service provider of medical, sharps and biohazardous waste disposal and clinical product solutions to the US healthcare industry.
As a Lead and UI/UX Front End Developer, i’m in charge on the design and experience for this website as well. I need to make sure that the user experience and web usability for this website is achieve and also working on the development for front end part of this website.
Daniels already have their own website, but the need of the new website is based on supporting business requirements and growth objectives. They already have the sites for their users around the world but they need another site that focus on the user in Australia.
At early stage of this website development, we’ve been discussing about how import web usability is and what’s needed to be added to this website so the users can get what they need at a glance. We are very particular about the website accesibility and website UX for Daniels Health and we’ve been using monsido as a platform to test and find a solutions to improve website experience.
For Daniels Health website, we’ve been using CMS and framework such as wordpress, Bootstrap 4, SASS and GulpJs. Monsido tools being used to check and improve the experience of this site from time to time.